Thursday, August 23, 2012

The most despicable beings in the universe - Issue I: Those who walk at a speed similar to ours

This section, I think, will be very popular since it is devoted to criticizing unpopular characters or social categories.
For the first issue, we have a very negligible entity to which one can dislike about 5 minutes tops but, at the same time, it is very hard not to come across it at least once a day… every day. Yes, you guessed, we're talking about people who walk at +/- 5% of our speed.

This rabble, who has the audacity to walk nearly at the same speed as us, and along the same path, it's really annoying. If anyone had not noticed it until now and is beginning to notice it, I regret having shit your lives. There are physical reasons but also a psychological discomfort that make us feel this annoyance.
Among the physical ones, we found several factors. On the one hand, it is inevitable that a person walking a little slower than we becomes a nuisance since they do not let us pass them quickly. If we try, we have to wait until nobody is walking in the opposite direction or take the precaution of walking in wider sidewalks, something that is not always an option. Something similar happens when somebody else is trying to overtake us.
On the other hand, it is very annoying that someone passes us, but then they decide to slow down, stabilizing at a speed very similar to ours and only 1 meter forward. One gets the feeling that at any moment you will step on their heel, taking off this person´s shoe. I don´t want to talk about those who overtake us and then greatly decrease its speed, making us to re-pass them. These people are a walking social calamity. They do not deserve to be qualified otherwise. This concept can be extended to the case in which you are driving your car and the same happens.
As for the reasons of a psychological nature, we know that we all like to belong to the community. However, I think that we do not seek empathy with others by means of walking at the same speed than the rest. It is very difficult to get everyone in one block to walk at the same speed. Even more, it is impossible that everyone likes the same things. This is why governments all around the world are constantly looking for things we can all hate at the same time such as large corporations, terrorism, the Soviets, the Nazis or bears (btw, if you hate the Bears, vote for the Yes on 24). Walking speed, however, functions as one of the mechanisms that a normal human being has to differentiate himself from the rest.
We all believe that our speed is correct. Those who walk a little faster are fools sin they do not realize that walking faster implies getting tired to save about 5 seconds per block which, btw, are inevitably lost when we arrive at the traffic lights in the corner; those walking slower are lazy people who are doomed to die of a heart attack at the age of 35 for not having exercised enough while walking every day. This implies that when we come across a person walking at our same speed, we do not encounter just another human being but a rival. This generates a deep hatred.
When we add up the contempt arising from physical and psychological reasons, we get an explosive cocktail. This is why when I am faced with the dilemma of passing or not someone who walks about as fast as I do, I incline towards one of two alternatives: either I slow down for a while to stand way back and avoid being disturbed by this person, or I increase speed decisively.

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